Monday, January 11, 2010

Long time comin, but now..

Josh Ritter said, it. Snow is gone. Or at least on it's way out in a big way. How cyclical it is that the big freeze is always followed by the big thaw. Anyways just for a little while, Dublin became Insbruck or Vancouver, and it made this little bit of dark winter all that more interesting. Driving around town, for the shortest few hours, became an exercise in checking out the faintest incline for sliding possibilities. Grit or no grit, Im all for it.

Photo's of the past few day's snowy madness to follow, but in the mean time, while it melts outside, the guys at Isenseven have got plenty of snowy fun to keep the snowflakes in your heart from disappearing entirely.

Isenseven Let's Go Get Lost Teaser from ISENSEVEN on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Emmett to start this blog !!!! Happy 2010 :))))))) Joao Gaucho !!!!
